Precise CPU Stress Free Download For Windows 11

Free download WINTOOLS Precision CPU Stress full versions Independent installation program for Windows can emphasize the system on a adjustable and variable level based on the use of CPU and RAM.

You can also take free download Review of precise CPU stress advantages

The use of resources is displayed on the chart. S

The idea of ​​a precise CPU stress is based on a component of CPU stress of the process software and can be considered an upgrade. S The current size of the pagefile.sys is shown at the bottom of the window.

CPU stresses can be started with a CPU -A starting button. CPU stress levels can be changed at any time. The CPU -A stop button stops the stress test. The output button, exit from the exit and the ESC button immediately stop any stress tests and close each window and program.

Review of the precise CPU voltage features

    • Ram -Sosts can start with a button to start RAM
    • Examined for memory memory. Details and systemic requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
  • RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB Recommended)
  • Freedom disk space: 200 MB or more


Precise CPU Stress

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